How To Cope With The Dope

Slogans and Acronyms-My personal top 5, plus a bonus!

Jacqui Season 1 Episode 18

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Slogans and Acronyms have been used in programs for many years.  They are simple and effective tools that help us when we are in a challenging situation or ruminating on a problem.  These often quirky sayings are sometimes the quick shot in the arm we need to regain our balance and stay on track in our own recovery.  I hope that you will take the time to make a list of your top sayings and may find yourself turning to them more often than think! 
**I also inadvertently used an alliteration instead of a acronym in my number 5 acronym spot...sorry.

Al-anon Slogans:
How Important Is It                                      Listen and Learn
Easy Does It                                                      Together We can Make It
Keep an Open Mind                                      Keep It Simple
Think                                                                      First Things First
Progress Not Perfection                             Let It Begin With Me
Keep Coming Back                                         Just For Today
But For the Grace of God                            Let Go and Let God
One Day at A Time                                          Live and Let Live


HOPE: | Happy Our Program Exists
HALT: | Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired
DETACH: | Don't. Even. Think. About. Changing. Him/Her.
FEAR: | False. Evidence. Appearing. Real.
THINK: | is it...? Thoughtful. Honest. Intelligent. Necessary. Kind.
STEPS: | Solutions. To. Every. Problem
NUTS: | Not. Using. The. Steps
QTIP: | Quit. Taking. It. Personally
​LOVE: | Let. Others. Voluntarily. Evolve
HOW:​ | Honest. Open. Willing.